
We've paid careful attention to the uninstall program to ensure that it removes everything the installation program installed, but without removing anything it shouldn't. The result is an uninstall program that leaves the system in exactly the same way it was before the install - just how every uninstall program should behave.

You can activate the uninstall procedure from either of three ways:
 1. Press the Start button in Windows, then Programs | Port Explorer, then select Uninstall
 2. Press the Start button in Windows, then Settings | Control Panel | Add/Remove Programs, then select DiamondCS Port Explorer.
 3. Press the Start button in Windows, then Run, select Browse to find your Port Explorer install directory, double-click on unins000.exe, and press OK.

Uninstall deletes all files that were installed during the install process, and offers you the option of deleting any other files that exist in the Port Explorer directory that were created after install. These files are documented here. All keys in the Port Explorer registry location are also deleted (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Diamond Computer Systems\Port Explorer\)

Copyright ⌐ 2002-2003 Diamond Computer Systems Pty. Ltd. - http://www.diamondcs.com.au
DiamondCS Port Explorer Website - http://www.diamondcs.com.au/portexplorer